California Dreamin'
CC enthusiasts I present to you...NEW FONT! Oh my goodness, how thrilling. Finally readers will be able to decipher my many rants without the "scream-like" tone, our old capitalized font implied. As for the post, this was our last morning in beautiful San Fran and wasn't meant to be an #OOTD occasion at all, until I ran into this wall while grabbing coffee. No I didn't literally run into it you sillies, but I understand why you assumed I could have. Simply had to take a couple pictures of this tiger vs. shark battle. As for the clothes, this was my 5 hour drive road dog outfit, hope you enjoy.
Apparently hard for me to give good face that day
Dior 's "Mise En Dior" earrings, Vans tee, Givenchy necklace, Balmain bag, Cartier watch and bracelets, vintage Levis "mom jeans" (similar), and Alexander Wang sandals.